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Downland Village Schools Federation

Downland Village Schools Federation

Hedgehog Class

Welcome to Hedgehog Class! We are the youngest children in the school, at ages four and five.  We have two teachers, Mrs. Mclauchlan and Mrs. Smith and experienced teaching assistants to help us every day.  

Our teachers make sure that we are all encouraged and supported to explore what interests us, discover more about the world, find out what school is all about and how exciting learning can be.  We have lots of freedom to choose where to work and lots of opportunity to play.  By playing and exploring, we learn to experiment and try things out for ourselves.  We talk together about our learning and we are helped to appreciate how unique we all are and how much fun it is to work together.

We have lots of opportunities to explore different sensory activities every day and learn outside and indoors.  This year we have really enjoyed cooking and eating Chinese food, making a fire using a flint and steel in forest school and planting bean and sunflower seeds.  Every day is different in our class, but it is always filled with fun and laughter.

You can see what sort of work we do in our first year below: