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Downland Village Schools Federation

Downland Village Schools Federation

Other statutory information

Every school is required by law to make the following key information available. If you would like to receive a paper copy of any of this information please ask at the appropriate school office.

Ofsted and SIAMS inspections:

Church primary schools are subject to periodic inspection by both Ofsted and SIAMS (the statutory inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) which looks at the impact of collective worship, the distinctive Christian character of the school and the leadership and management. Please select the ‘Statutory information’ section for each school from the top menu for the latest inspection reports.

Pupil premium spending, sports premium spending, catch-up premium and special needs provision (SEND):

Please select the ‘Statutory information’ section for each school from the top menu for the latest information.


Complaints are usually due to misunderstandings. If you are worried or upset about anything, please ask to discuss it with your child’s teacher in the first instance.  If you feel that your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, then please contact the head of school, via the school office. We aim to deal with the matter informally, so that all parties are happy. This is extremely important to us. However, if this does not resolve the matter, there is an official complaints procedure that any parent has the right to follow.  A copy of this procedure is available from the school or from the policies section of this website (see the Quick Links menu).

Financial information:

Financial information about each of our schools, and comparisons with other schools, is publicly available from the DfE website  -  please select the ‘Statutory information’ section for each school from the top menu for the latest information.

Admissions information: 

Our schools currently take pupils from a wide geographical area, from both inside and outside their catchment areas (and the county). Please contact the schools to discuss your own particular situation. All three schools hold open days but individual visits to the schools are also welcome: parents wishing to view the schools and see the children at work are warmly invited to make an appointment via the school offices.

For more information about admissions, please see the local authority websites below or contact them directly:

West Sussex admissions office

 Tel: 01903 839141  Email: admissions@westsussex.gov.uk

Hampshire admissions office

Tel: 0845 603 5623  Email: admissions@hants.gov.uk