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Downland Village Schools Federation

Downland Village Schools Federation

Support at the DVSF

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

The DVSF schools are committed to providing an inclusive education and believe that all children can achieve success in a supportive but challenging environment. Children with additional needs are monitored through regular assessment and targets set for improvement. They may receive support in some aspects of their learning, in a small group or individually. Support may be given by the teacher or learning support assistant and may take place in the classroom or group teaching area.

The class teacher and inclusion co-ordinator work closely with the child and parents and value their input. We work to the requirements of the code of practice and fully utilise all the support services available through the local authority and health authority. More able children are identified through regular assessment and supported through extension groups within the classroom, across year groups, and with some opportunities to work with children from other local schools.



Regular attendance is essential for children to gain full benefit from the opportunities provided at school, as poor attendance can result in children under-achieving. Therefore, we expect children to be at school when they are well and to arrive on time. If your child is going to be absent, please notify the school office by email before 9.00am on each morning of absence.

You will be informed of holiday dates and the dates of inset days well in advance and these dates are also available on our website. The law regarding term time holidays changed in September 2013.

Government changes about term time holidays means it is not possible for the school to authorise any term time absence for holidays. Please do not ask for leave for a family holiday; we have no power to authorise it.

Absence from school is carefully monitored. Nationally the average child has an attendance record of 96% or more. This equates to approximately five days absence per child for sickness per year. With good support from our parents, which we very much appreciate, most of our children are now achieving excellent attendance records.


Children are expected to act responsibly and show a positive attitude to learning and all the people involved in their education. They are given opportunities to discuss acceptable behaviour and the requirements for achieving this. They are encouraged to become self-motivated to behave in a positive manner. We believe that, to achieve this, we must always recognise positive behaviour. We operate a house point system based on praise and other forms of encouragement appropriate to the age of the child. Exceptional behaviour or work is rewarded with an award and celebrated with the whole school.

If unacceptable behaviour occurs, appropriate sanctions are applied, and parents are kept fully informed if their child persistently misbehaves. We value the full support of parents in the implementation of our behaviour policy, which is available for parents to read using the Quick Links tab at the side of this page.