The School Day 

The gates will open at 8.30am 

In each class, there will be an activity on the table or the board for children to do. This will be something to finish, a chance to respond to teacher's marking, something to prepare for the next lesson or free writing or maths.

At 9.00 register closes. Anyone who arrives after that will need to sign in at the school office.

9.00am Assembly/Worship. All children go to the hall. We are a Church school, so all assemblies are of a broadly Christian nature.

9.20am The children's first lesson of the day.

10.30am First break. Children are able to use the field (when it's dry) and the playground and are provided with a host of playtime toys.

10.45am Second session of the morning.

12.00 Lunch is taken as a whole school in the hall. Children may opt for school dinners (see West Sussex | Chartwells) or bring their own packed lunch.

1:00pm First afternoon session.

2.00 Break time for KS1 children only. KS2 may take a few minutes for fresh air.

3.10pm School finishes. If you collect your children, please pick up promptly. The children who get buses will be supervised onto the bus.

If you collect at normal home time or after a school club, please arrive promptly. If you know you are going to be late, please contact the school office. On arrival, you may need to collect from there.


Total = 33h 20m per week