The Downland Village Schools Federation is currently governed by an Interim Executive Board (IEB) which was formed in February 2023.

The Interim Executive Board (IEB) is a group of experienced governors and education professionals who act as the Governing Body and take decisions in the best interests of the Federation. The members of the IEB are approved by the Department for Education and have complete independence to lead the Federation, alongside the leadership team.

The main function of the IEB is to secure strong and strategic governance with the skills required to ensure the Federation can respond to the financial pressures facing the schools, as well as considering longer term partnership options. At the heart of this work is a shared ambition to ensure that pupils continue to receive the best possible education which enables them to fulfil their potential.

The transition from an IEB to normal governance arrangements begins with the establishment of a shadow governing body. The Shadow Board was put in place in September 2023 and will initially work alongside the IEB. The IEB will increasingly delegate functions to the shadow board and, after an agreed period, responsibility for governance will pass to the shadow board.

The IEB and Shadow Board have a range of responsibilities including:

· Strategic leadership of the Federation

· Providing challenge and support to the Executive Headteacher

· Overseeing the financial performance of the schools

· Monitoring quality of education, behaviour and safeguarding

· Engaging with the Federation’s key stakeholders including parents/carers, pupils and staff

The IEB can be contacted through Carol Vigor, Clerk to the IEB:

Governor Attendance Record 2022-23.pdf


GB Membership Committees.pdf

Our governors

Nicola Waters

Nicola Waters

IEB Chair

Nicola is a very experienced Chair of Governors, having served on several primary and secondary school boards over a period of 13 years. She currently chairs both a primary and secondary school board and has previous experience of chairing the board of a small, rural primary school. Nicola has an extensive knowledge and understanding of compliance and leadership. She is a Local Leader of Governance and her knowledge and experience have been used widely by the local authority to support other governing boards with a range of tasks. As Chair of the IEB, Nicola will provide both challenge and support to the leadership team to drive school improvement and ensure the highest standard of education for all pupils across the Federation.

Ruth Cumming

Ruth Cumming

IEB Member

Ruth Cumming is the Assistant Diocesan Director for Education: School Effectiveness. Having loved teaching in a range of different schools from KS1 through to KS3 she was pleased to become headteacher of two high performing primary schools. Between her headships she joined West Sussex Local Authority’s School Improvement Team leading on school improvement in over 30 schools; both primary and secondary resulting in all schools being judged as ‘Good’ or better by Ofsted. She enjoyed working with the National College of School Leadership running leadership training courses, including ‘Aspiring Heads’. Ruth has always had a passion for developing effective inspiring leaders and she currently heads up the Diocese school improvement team serving all 155 church schools across Sussex’s three local authorities. The team work with school leaders, staff and governors to ensure the best opportunities and outcomes for children. This is achieved through training and support, built on transparent trusting relationships to enable all to flourish and thrive.

Chris Hawker

Chris Hawker

IEB Member

Chris is an experienced governor and chair of both maintained and academy primary schools. He is currently the Chair of Governors of Lavant CE Primary School and recently held the role of Chair at the Downland Village Schools Federation. Chris was appointed as a National Leader of Governance 2015-21 under the original scheme and is a Local Leader of Governance for West Sussex County Council, working with schools where additional governor support and development is required. Chris co-chairs the West Sussex Governors' Association, the representative organisation for all West Sussex governors. He has previously been deployed by the local authority as an additional governor in schools causing concern. He provides support for West Sussex County Council in governor training sessions, including training and support for new chairs of governors.

Sue Samson

Sue Samson

IEB Member

Sue has considerable expertise in governance and school leadership, having held many roles nationally and locally supporting and developing schools. She was awarded an MBE in the 2020 New Year’s Honours List for outstanding services to education. She began her career as a primary school teacher and has worked in and with primary, secondary and special schools as well as with early years providers. As well as teaching, her roles have included being the CEO of an Academy Trust of fifteen schools, being a Director in the DfE’s Education Funding Agency, being a Lead Inspector for Ofsted, as well as an Education Adviser in a Local Authority leading on headteacher induction, support and performance review. In all of these roles, she has been passionate about delivering in a people focused way and providing appropriate support and challenge to improve outcomes for the children and their communities and has had a particular interest in the issues facing small schools.

Paul Little

Paul Little

IEB Member

Paul is an experienced governor and has previously been a Chair of Governors in a primary school in West Sussex. Paul has also previously been deployed as a member of an IEB in schools causing concern. Paul has a background of 30 years in local government and is a qualified accountant. Paul has spent most of his working life working in finance but has also held a range of senior roles including project and change management. Paul has also previously held roles working closely with schools managing challenging financial issues. Paul’s current role is to provide strategic financial advice and guidance to senior officers at West Sussex. Paul is currently one of the key points of contact for school leaders for financial matters, leads on governor training, advice, and guidance on all aspects of school finance and manages the team that distributes all funding to schools.

Shadow Board

Chris Hawker

Chris Hawker

Shadow Board member

Chris is an experienced governor and chair of both maintained and academy primary schools. He is currently the Chair of Governors of Lavant CE Primary School and recently held the role of Chair at the Downland Village Schools Federation. Chris was appointed as a National Leader of Governance 2015-21 under the original scheme and is a Local Leader of Governance for West Sussex County Council, working with schools where additional governor support and development is required. Chris co-chairs the West Sussex Governors' Association, the representative organisation for all West Sussex governors. He has previously been deployed by the local authority as an additional governor in schools causing concern. He provides support for West Sussex County Council in governor training sessions, including training and support for new chairs of governors.

Lucy Thatcher

Lucy Thatcher

Shadow Board member

Lucy has spent 20 years delivering marketing and communications programmes for public sector organisations and global corporate businesses, and now runs a management consultancy with her husband. As the mother of two children, she is passionate about the future of our schools and the communities they serve.

Chris Lewis

Chris Lewis

Shadow Board member

Chris is a local parent who grew up on the West Sussex / Hampshire border and now lives in Hill Brow near Liss with his wife and three young children. Chris began his professional life as an Officer in the British Army serving all over the world but now works in a commercial leadership role at a London based technology company. Chris believes the skills he has honed in his career are transferable to education and governance and will add value to the DVSF. As of September 2024 Chris will have three children at Rogate School and therefore is committed to the success of the federation. Away from work Chris enjoys Rugby, coaching the Petersfield Under 6 team and skiing.

Yvette Carlu

Yvette Carlu

Shadow Board member

As a dedicated student of SEND law with a deep understanding of the EHCP processes, I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the field. As a parent of a child with autism, who attended Rake School, I am intimately familiar with the challenges and triumphs that come with navigating the education system. With two other children in school, I am deeply invested in creating inclusive and supportive environments for all students. As a permanent exclusion volunteer at Hampshire County Council, I work tirelessly to ensure that every child has access to the education they deserve. My background as a regional manager for a domiciliary care company, has equipped me with valuable leadership skills and a compassionate approach to problem-solving. Additionally, my experience as a bookkeeper allows me to contribute to various projects with precision and attention to detail. I am proud to support our schools in their continuous improvement efforts, and I am dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of all students."

Helen Skillern-Little

Helen Skillern-Little

Shadow Board member

Helen is a local parent to 4 young children. She is excited to join the DVSF governing board and be part of the success of the schools. She has a background in medicine and, although currently on a career break, thinks the skills developed when working as a doctor, will be beneficial to her role as a governor. She also sits on the board of trustees for a grant giving charity, which has equipped her with relevant experience.

David Bertwistle

David Bertwistle

Shadow Board member

David has been a teacher for almost 40 years and a headteacher for 15 years. His current role includes the responsibility as Executive Head and overall leadership at the federation’s three schools. His passion is teaching and learning, as well as working with the governors on vision & strategy, finance and policy. His key strength is working with staff, governors, parents and children to bring about change. Under his leadership, four schools have moved from an Ofsted category to a Good judgement.

Father Edward Doyle

Father Edward Doyle

Shadow Board member

Father Edward became an ex-officio governor in 2000, initially at Rogate and then across all 3 schools as part of DVSF. Over this period, he has held the roles of Vice Chair of Governors, Link Governor and Christian Ethos lead. He has also been part of the Headteacher performance management committee and academisation working party. Currently, his role on the Shadow Board includes responsibility for Pupil Premium. Father Edward leads worship weekly at Rogate and supports learning in the classroom. He meets with children, parents, teachers and support staff in a pastoral context as part of his role as Parish Rector. Father Edward has been the Rector of Rogate with Terwick & Trotton with Chithurst in the Diocese of Chichester since May 2000, and is Surrogate for the Diocese of Chichester. He studied at Cardiff University for B.Th. and trained for Ministry at St Michael College, Llandaff, Cardiff. He enjoys going to the cinema, playing the piano, listening to classical music, local history and tending to the garden in his spare time.

Rev. Trish Bancroft

Rev. Trish Bancroft

Shadow Board member

Rev Trish is the Rector of St Luke’s Church Milland which is Rake School’s Church. She also has the churches of Linch, Stedham and Iping and is Rural Dean of Midhurst. Trish has been a school governor for nearly 14 years, 10 of which have been at Rake. In addition to her governance role, Rev Trish is in school each week to take assembly and the children come to church as often as we can manage given the difficulty of not being able to walk there. In a previous life, Trish was a Learning Support Assistant in a large junior school and is therefore very comfortable in the school environment.

Ian Mitchell

Shadow Board member

I feel passionately about our children having a happy and exciting school experience, with access to the best education/facilities available, within a nurturing and inclusive environment. I want to support the federation in consolidating their "Good" OFSTED ratings, look to furthering sustainable improvements and representing parent views. I have twenty five years' experience of working empathetically in various leadership positions.

Sarah-Jane Smith

Shadow Board member

Sarah-Jane Smith has been teaching for 14 years at both ends of the primary phase in KS2 and Reception. She has worked in two local village schools and held the position of Senior Teacher in both. Sarah-Jane has strong links in the Rother Valley Community, including running a locality wide project with local Early Years providers to strengthen links between pre-schools and Primary schools by better understanding child development from birth to 5 years. In her role as English Subject Lead, she has most recently introduced the Read Write Inc. Scheme to Rake Primary School and co-ordinated a training day for five local schools. Sarah-Jane joins the Shadow Board as Staff Governor.

Jane Wilkinson

Shadow Board member